Snark Knights #26: Deadpool (2016)

In 2016, “Deadpool” defied expectations when it came out in the traditional dumping ground of a February theatrical release, along with its low budget and R rating. But aside from breaking box office records, it was a breath of fresh air in a world saturated with safe, family friendly superhero fare (and also whatever Zack Snyder was doing with BvS).

And now the Snark Knights are here to snark it all, even as we remind ourselves how much we enjoyed this movie. We dissect just how these folks managed to make a fun superhero movie that featured surprising moments of real emotion sandwiched between an avalanche of dick jokes. We also talk about pegging, cancer, and vehicular physics! Listen to find out just how all the tones and themes managed to work together, and maybe learn something along the way.



Snark Knights via Google Drive

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